Tuesday Trail Talk: August 8, 2024

Monday Night Success

Yesterday we held our Monday night trail build with yet again great success. For the 3rd week in a row our high school and middle school racers (CAMBYR) were up providing labor on the trail we all enjoy. They were able to clear out slash and deadfall from one of the new trail corridors.  We also had another small group working on finalizing the upper feature on the New Spillway trail. If you have not seen or utilized this trail we encourage you to give it a look!  All of the current new construction trails are open for use.  

Maintenance Week

This week CWTA is focusing a few days on the existing trail corridors and providing some maintenance in some eroded and over used areas. Our work started in the skunk hollow parking lot, trimming grass and vegetation around the trailhead shed, and improving the trail entrance into the Eadsville south trail. Along this climb portion there are many “social” trails that users have cut turns and confuse new users. We will be closing off these sections and creating barriers, water bars, and shading with native ground cover. We ask that ALL users stay on the trail that is provided, as these shortcuts cause confusion, but mostly cause unintended erosion and have the potential to wash-out sections of the current trail. We have seen an awesome increase of use on the trails this year and the trails tell the tale. The trail corridor is widening and becoming more straight. We will be working with our partners to develop a solution to these areas as well. One of the solutions is the need for more trail…

What’s to Come

Later this week and into next we will be cutting in Phase 2 of the mountain bike optimized trail off of New Spillway. This trail will be a directional trail for mountain bikes. We do encourage hikers to take a look at this trail but it will be asked that the hiker yield to mountain bikes. This section of trail will be rated as a double black(expert level) trail due to the trail features at the end of the trail. There will be, however, alternate line choices for the advancing riders wanting to increase their skills.  With this phase 2 trail, a trail from Pinball will be extended down to Strube Loop road to allow all users a lower grade trail back up to the Eadsville Lower trail.

CWTA has been pin-flagging the McMurry Mountain park outer loop trail and is hopeful to start construction of this new terrain option mid/late August. This trail is designed to be a Blue or Intermediate level trail that will add approx 3.5 miles to the current trail system. This trail is designed as a multi-use bi-directional trail and will have the main trailhead access at the biathlon parking lot. Our plans are to machine build a majority of this trail and completion time of this trail is unknown.  We will have a better idea when the trail has been laid-out in entirety. There are also two mountain bike optimized trails planned to be within this area but construction times are unknown. If you would like more info on the KayLinn master plan please click on the link on our website or contact us for more details.

Our Executive Director, Austin Burgess, recently did a podcast with K2 Radio Report to Wyoming.

He chats about what the alliance has been up to for the last ten years and what they're main projects are currently. Listen here or in the player below.

For most updated trail conditions, check out our trails page.

Photo Callout!

We are looking for local trail users to send us photos of our Central Wyoming Trails! These photos can include you or friends, or just be photos of the trails. We’re hoping to build up a gallery for each trail in the coming months to showcase different seasons and different uses. Please know that if you send us a photo, you’re allowing us to use it in any of our website or social media campaigns for free (however we will try our best to credit the photographer!) If you’re okay with sharing some of your snapshots, please email them to us at centralwyomingtrails@gmail.com

Some examples


Tuesday Trail Talk: August 13, 2024


Tuesday Trail Talks: July 30, 2024