Tuesday Trail Talks: July 30, 2024

Moving into Late Summer

As we close out July we look forward to new trail opportunities to bring to Natrona county. We are still on schedule to finish the advanced trail in the next couple weeks and then move to the biggest trail addition in the KayLinn Master plan. This trail will be the McMurry Mountain Park outer loop. This trail will require all our efforts for the most of the remaining build season, however, we still will have maintenance days available to provide trail upkeep throughout Natrona county and including Duncan Ranch.

We are happy with what has been completed this trail season. To date we have designed, constructed,and completed the new trail (Transistor)  at Duncan Ranch, two new trails on Casper Mountain (Mine Shaft and Fools Gold), and are nearly 50% complete on the new advanced trail (New Spillway).  On top of that we have had the amazing opportunity to lead multiple work days with over 500 volunteer work hours. Our trails are all in great shape and have seen many hours of maintenance  from our trail director and board members. Please consider following us and signing up for our newsletter. This will also give you immediate information on Central Wyoming's trails as it becomes available.

Thank You to everyone who supports our community focused mission and help grow CWTA. 

Day 5 Trail Update

We had another great build day and volunteer event with CAMBYR. We were able to get most of the alpine sections roughed in and raked. We were also able to start on trail finish compaction and raking. Most rock work is complete with some trail lining to be performed in the coming days. Firebreak reinforcement is nearly complete as well and should be completed today. Phase 2 of the project will hopefully start late this week. This area has heavy downed trees and requires a lot of saw work for the trail corridor to be opened up. Temporary trail closure signs are in place. Please refrain from using this trail as the construction continues. We will continue the build updates as we progress on this new section of trail. See you on the trails!!

4 S’s of Trail Building

Every group event we provide a briefing on what we will be working on and daily goals. We also focus on the 4 S’s. This helps connect everything we do and build a solid foundation to work on.


Everything we do ties back to Safety, including the other 3 S’s. We focus on a new safety topic every event and fix what we see from the previous build events. 


The Sun is always a topic to discuss and we use this opportunity to discuss sun exposure safety, dehydration, and heat emergencies.  As the days get shorter we also discuss the time and direction the Sun can provide.


One of the most important safety items to discuss is tool swing. Proper spacing and having a good situational awareness is vital to trail building safety. We discuss proper tool carrying position and tool usage. 


We tie this to safety as this is the type of terrain we work on. Slips, Trips, and Falls happen a lot. We also teach proper slope of trails (including grade) and instruct/enforce different trail building features that help shed water and lead to a sustainable trail system. 

If you would like to learn more on these topics please consider coming to a Monday Night Trail Build. They are scheduled every Monday starting at 6. Location is TBD. 

Duncan Drop Complete

The newest trail feature at Duncan ranch has been completed and is open for use. This section is accessed off or T-Trail and will have a new sign up calling it “A-Line”. This is an advanced trail feature, but is rollable!! We recommend that you site-walk the area before committing to the drop. We estimate that you can drop 4-7’ depending on the speed that you enter the section. Have fun and be safe out there! 

Trail Report

Casper Mountain Trail System

  • Miner loop - dry, clear; some erosion in spots

  • Mine Shaft (new) - dry, clear

  • Fools Gold (new) - dry, clear

  • Eadsville - dry, clear

  • Copper - dry, clear

  • Dungeon - dry, clear

  • Pinball - dry, clear

  • Nelly’s - dry, clear; some erosion

  • New Spillway - CLOSED

Bridle Trail

  • West - dry, clear

  • East - dry, clear; significant erosion

  • Upper Main Loop - dry, clear; erosion 

  • Upper Loop - dry, clear 

  • Rotary Park - dry, clear

  • Cable Route Overlook - dry, clear; heavy erosion

Platte Creek

  • Dry, clear; erosion in spots

Duncan Ranch

  • Duncan Ranch Loop - dry, clear

  • T-Trail - dry, clear; A-Line Drop OPEN

  • Transistor - dry, clear

Muddy Mountain

  • Open, dry, clear'; high erosion areas

  • Forest Service crews on site doing fuels work


  • dry, clear

  • All trails are open


Tuesday Trail Talk: August 8, 2024


Tuesday Trail Talks: July 23, 2024