Tuesday Trail Talk: July 16, 2024

Thank You

We would like to send out a huge thanks to the wonderful work groups we have been able to lead this summer. We have had 3 different United Methodist groups that contributed many hours toward our trails. The first group of was from Ft.  Lupton, Colorado and helped with the new section of trail on Casper Mountain. The second group was a mix of individuals from Montana, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming who provided much needed work on the Bridle Trail with a focus on Rotary Park. Debris was removed from the parking lot trails and we were able to reroute a spring that was flooding the gazebo. The third group was an energetic youth group out of Broomfield Colorado that assisted on the new trails on Casper Mountain as well as helped with more cleanup at Rotary Park.  All three groups combined almost 200 labor hours that were donated to our trails making Natrona County’s outdoor recreation even better. 

Monday Trail Builds

We are going to start a volunteer trail build series starting next Monday evening from 6pm-8pm. We will be focusing on a different area every week and will announce location and work specifics. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for instant updates and subscribe to our Trail Talks every Tuesday for progress updates. 

Weekly Progress Report

We have been able to nearly complete the two new trails in the miner loop area which will double the mileage of easy level trail. These trails are designed for users of all ages and abilities with an average grade of 4% with one area exceeding 5% for about 75ft. Mineshaft has a downhill flow feel and Fools Gold winds through the lodgepole forest starting near the new lodge and ending mid-system. We have also been busy on the Bridle trail taking care of more downed trees. We are meeting with the County Parks Director this morning to pre-walk our new advanced level trail.  This trail is planned to be completed in two phases to allow bike traffic to divert from the busy Eadsville north trail and allow use sooner. This trail is pending site walk approval. More info to come…

Donation Spotlight

This week we would like to thank Brian for the generous PayPal donation.  Every dollar we receive helps build a better outdoor recreation experience for all.  If you would like to donate to our mission, click here.

Remember, these trails aren’t just paths—they’re gateways to adventure, connecting people with nature and community!

Trail Report

Casper Mountain Trail system

  • Miner loop-dry, some erosion in spots

  • Mine Shaft (new)-very soft in spots

  • Fools Gold (new)-closed

  • Eadsville-mostly dry and clear

  • Copper-mostly dry and clear

  • Dungeon-mostly dry and clear

  • Pinball-mostly dry and clear

  • Nelly’s-mostly dry and clear some erosion

Bridle Trail

  • West- mostly dry and clear

  • East- mostly dry and clear with significant erosion

  • Upper main loop- wet in spots with significant erosion 

  • Upper loop-mostly dry and clear some over head dangers. 

  • Rotary Park- clear

  • Cable route overlook-heavy erosion but clear 

Platte Creek

  • Dry and clear erosion in spots

Duncan Ranch

  • Duncan ranch loop- damp in spots, clear

  • T-Trail- damp in spots,clear

  • Transistor- Clear

Muddy Mountain

  • Open

  • Mostly Dry

  • High erosion areas

  • Some trees down

  • Forest Service crews on site doing fuels work


  • No reports 

  • All trails are open


Tuesday Trail Talks: July 23, 2024


July 9, 2024: Tuesday Trail Talk