Tuesday Trail Talk: September 3, 2024

McMurry Mountain Park Outer Loop Trail

We are pleased to announce the commencement of the McMurry Mountain Park Trail. We had the opportunity this past week to walk the proposed trail, in its entierty, with the Natrona County Parks Director. This trail is one of the Kay-Linn Master plan trails and marks the largest trail expansion that the Casper mountain trail system has seen since 2017. This trail will add over 4.5 miles of differing terrain and ties into the current Eadsville trail creating an approximately 5 mile loop option. This trail is going to be like nothing else in the area!! With the primary construction being machine built, this trail will be a slightly wider corridor and tread than what is currently on the mountain. The best we can describe it is “it will have a bridle trail feel”. This trail is designed to accept hiking, cycling, and equestrian use and is aimed at the skill level of the vast majority of users. This trail is set to be a blue or intermediate level trail with longer climbs and descents with in-trail features adding to the experience. This particular trail will start at the biathlon parking lot and weave through our spruce/pine forest and make its way to high plains sage meadows with amazing vistas that have rarely been seen. There are very unique natural limestone features along the trail that will add to the trail excitement. Please consider sponsoring or donating to this trail as it draws most of our resources and adds the most benefit to our recreation spaces on the mountain. Without your support this project would not be possible. We are hopeful to get a majority of the trail cut-in and finished this year, obviously the season change could drastically change progress. Our intention is to have this trail accessible for winter use as a snowshoe/ski loop with future fat bike potential. Please follow us for continued updates on this process. 

IMBA Leadership Summit

This week our Director is attending the IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association) Leadership Summit in Knoxville, TN. This conference will focus on non-profit growth and community engagement as well as better strategies for fund growth and creating a sustainable organization. Please consider joining IMBA to support our chapter as well as overall stewardship on multi use trails.   We are excited to share what we learn and implement new programs to serve you. Because of this conference there will be very little to no construction this week, but will be hard at it the following week. 


Unsanctioned Trails and Vandalism 

During recent site walks and maintenance operations many new trails are popping up, items are missing, and trail features are being vandalized. We would like to remind every user that what we have is limited and for everyone to enjoy. This is public use land and has a land manager that oversees all activities, including trail construction. This is the Natrona County Parks department. We, as a local trail organization, have a working MOU and agreements with the county to provide the labor aspect to trail maintenance and construction for the public which provides a safe, fun, outdoor recreation experience. If you would like to assist us in our mission, please contact us.

As for missing items and vandalism:

  • The bird on the t-post is missing in the N-40

  • It looks as though fresh vehicle tracks are on the ski trails in most of the N-40 area. Please remember this is a non-motorized area and only authorized vehicles are allowed.

  • Also missing are approximately 40 orange fiberglass trail markers that we use for winter trail marking and other trail marking needs. These were also located in the N-40 area.

  • We also ask that all electric motorcycles (not class 1 e-bike) to stop using the non-motorized trail system. The new Spillway trail is seeing much damage to the rock garden as these high powered bikes are destroying the features as they attempt to climb itThis type of trail misuse must stop! Natrona County Parks is aware of this misuse and together we will hopefully come to a solution. 

We ask that these missing items are returned ASAP.  We have been asked to assess the un-approved trails and possibly provide closures to these areas. All new trails undergo a process to get approved for construction and must align with the County commissioner approved master plan.  


Donation Appreciation

Huge thanks to Equipment Share for the mini-excavator rental donation. This machine will make it possible to get a vast majority of trails completed this year. We were given a Takeuchi TB20e for a month or more if needed. 

See you on the trails…soon!


Did you know we sell stickers?

They’re a great way to show your support for the CWTA and also help us raise funds to build new trails!


Tuesday Trail Talk: September 10, 2024


Tuesday Trail Talk: August 27, 2024